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Doctor's Office


Achieve Your Goals

Growing means growing pains. Leave the hard work to us when it's time to orchestrate your next renovation or expansion. From concept to planning to completion, we put our project management skill to work for you as you grow. We handle market analysis in order to design and implement new programs. Utilizing our clinic management and project management expertise, we enable smooth execution of growth strategies.

Innuva Health offers a vast array of integrated project management services to help you grow and
thrive in the current healthcare market. Whether you're a brand new company trying to find your place in this competitive industry or an established business that needs to adapt to the changing environment to ensure your longevity, we have the project management solutions to help you achieve multi-faceted and ongoing business goals.
I. Renovation Upgrading of Existing Facilities
Growing with your community, meeting industry demands, reducing HAIs; healthcare organizations need to renovate and upgrade for many reasons. And the process is never easy on staff, patients, or the bottom line. Innuva Health can help existing organizations plan, implement, upgrade, and optimize their facilities to meet their business goals.
We help you streamline the process, reducing strain and helping you get where you want to be faster. Whether you need to enhance your IT capabilities, invest in newer diagnostics and robotic systems or simply rethink your waiting room design, Innuva Health's team of skilled and experienced professionals know how to accomplish the task.

II. Setting Up a New Facility
For those looking to establish a new facility and grow within a community or beyond, Innuva Health's
project management team can help you realize your vision. We facilitate your decision-making, help you develop your plan, and then execute your strategy. Innuva Health can support you through time consuming and vital tasks, including (but not limited to):

  • Location Selection - Find the best location to meet your patient and business needs. We evaluate costs, population, parking, area competition, partner proximity and more to help you find the perfect place for your new facility to call home.

  • Feasibility Studies - We crunch the numbers, evaluate the risks and help you design the most practical, cost-effective, and efficient solutions.

  • Competitors’ Analysis - Get a full report on the competition. Know what you're up against, what strategies your competitors employ, and learn how you can gain a foothold and expand your market share in the area.

  • Facility Licensing and Approvals - You don't do this every day. We understand that. We have experience helping many facilities like yours get off the ground. We know what's involved and what to expect. We do the paperwork, make the calls, and ensure that everything is in place for you to open your business.

  • Setting Up the Facility - Innuva Health handles everything from setting up your IT infrastructure to purchasing equipment to establishing utilities. When the doors, open you're ready to see patients.

  • Hiring & Onboarding - Getting the right people in place and getting those individuals trained properly is the key to your success. We help you recruit, screen, and onboard your new team.

  • Initiating Partnerships - Innuva Health works as your vendor liaison, helping you identify the key partnerships you'll need to establish and initiating those contacts to establish relationships, get pricing, and more.

  • Marketing & Growth - Innuva Health helps you grow your market share through traditional and digital marketing, events management, communications management, and more.

Contact Innuva Health to learn more about how we can help you.

Projects Consultation & Management: Service
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