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Award-Winning Wellbeing Services

We have over 5 years of Award-Winning experience in Employee Assistance Program and Corporate Behavioral Wellbeing Programs spanning more than 120 local and multinational companies.
Our healthcare consultancy firm puts the right protocols, initiatives, Employee Assistance Programs, and partners in place to promote employee wellbeing and overall corporate wellness.

I. Wellness and Employee Assistance for Healthcare / Behavioral Health Providers
Providers, do you desire to build a strong partnership with a corporation as their preferred provider?
Do you have the know-how and experience implementing employee wellness and assistance programs? INNUVA HEALTH can help you grow this side of your business and forge partnerships with corporations looking for these services.
We help you:

  • Promote your Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) and Corporate Wellbeing Programs to corporate clients.

  • Find the right partners where you add the most value to their institution and, in turn, et the most value out of that partnership

  • Consider the market and help you develop the skills and build the infrastructure you'll need to deliver the best service to your corporate partners

  • Assist you in the preparation of Proposals, which are based upon Corporates’ Scope of Work

  • Help you set up the operational processes, people, and systems to deliver results once we've helped you seal the deal with a corporate partner

If you're interested in building this kind of partnership, work with us. Contact INNUVA HEALTH team to learn

II. Wellness and Employee Assistance for Corporations
At Innuva Health, we understand how important employee mental and physical wellbeing is to the future of your organization, and we help corporations who seek to establish the right partnerships with innovative, skilled, and experienced providers for their EAP and Corporate Wellness Programs.
We offer support to your organization by:

  • Working with you to formulate a Request for Proposal, which will be based on both your business needs and international best practices.

  • Helping you screen Proposals, interview, and identify the ideal partner for your organization

  • Offering you ongoing support in the form of 3rd-party monitoring of your programs to ensure they're meeting standards and promoting employee wellness in a way that both enhances employee lives and strengthens your organization.

If you're in interested in finding the right partner for your EAP and Wellness Program, we can help.
Contact us to schedule a consultation.

Corporate Wellness & Employee Assistance Program (EAP): Service
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