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Chart & Stethoscope


A CoE isn't just a facility. It's the team of people who use their knowledge, experience, and expertize
to share, promote, collaborate, and employ best practices in a specific technical area, and,
depending on objectives, optimizing performance in several interconnected disciplines. With a
passion for improving patient outcomes, they employ state-of-the-art technology to efficiently meet
business goals. Innuva Health puts its own passion and skill to work to help you build a CoE.
First, we assist you in defining your business strategy.

  • What is the center's purpose?

  • What are your goals?

  • What is the scope for your center?

Second, you need to secure funding. A poorly designed CoE that tries to cut corners will end up
costing your institution money, but a well-funded, -planned, and -executed CoE has the potential to
exceed expectations. At Innuva Health, we put our immense experience developing and growing
CoEs to work for you, helping you create a budget, estimate expenses, and generate a plan for
successful implementation.
Finally, you're ready to make your center operational. We support your organization as you:

  • Find the right people for your CoE

  • Differentiate your CoE through marketing

  • Measure and optimize performance

  • Put a focus on your community. A CoE is a part of the community in which it resides and should adapt to community needs and changes.

Innuva Health helps you lead your organization through the complex path of CoE establishment protocol from vision & validation to design & development to completion & commercialization.

We help your organization differentiate and meet its full potential. Contact us today to discuss how your institution can become the future of healthcare today by establishing a CoE.

Center of Program Excellence (COPE): Services
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